Quick Pass

Bathroom passes... to the next level

Easy for Students

The Quick Pass interface lets students spend less time using a pass so they can go to the bathroom and get right back to learning.

Easier on Teachers

With Quick Pass Admin, teachers have every single one of their students in one spot, color coded to the number of passes they have used.

Lots of students? No problem. A handy-dandy search function lets teachers find students in seconds.

All the student's pass info is only a click away at any time, and displays it all in a clear, easy-to-read way.

Simple to Set Up

All you need to take bathroom passes to the next level is a school code. Codes are absolutely free, just like the app, so no need to worry about any vetoes for cost. Get a code!

Get Your Code!

To get your code, email a request to requests@quickpassapp.info*. Before you do, make sure all your students have Gmail accounts, and that there are iPads, iPhones, or iPod Touches for the student to submit their passes on.

*Requests may be altered or changed due to unavailability and/or special characters, inability to exist in the database, etc, and an email will be sent to either verify the changes or send in a new code.